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October 06, 2011


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Maria K.

These photos are so beautiful, Zita!

Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

Dear Zita,

What a beautiful event to celebrate. That is quite an accomplishment, and I think a blessing to pass on to your children. I wish your parents many more years of happiness together.

I hope you had a wonderful time.



Congratulations to your parents Zita. 50 years. That is a wonderful achievement! Have a great time! Leahx

Anniversary Years

Love your collection of vintage cake toppers, did you use any for your parents 50th anniversary cake?

I have kept the cake topper from my own wedding cake and thought I could use it one day on my own anniversary cake, although I forgot to use it on my 10th! Will have to wait for the next big anniversary.

I wonder how many people use their original cake topper?

debbie york

50 is an accomplishment and a half! Congratulations to your parents for setting the bar so high.
I'm sorry I'm just now reading this. I'm so behind and am playing catch up!

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