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October 13, 2009


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Theresa-Garden Antqs Vintage

Thanksgiving...wow, already. I so hungry for pumpkin pie I bought last weekend and it's just about gone. My son said he was so glad I brought it because he had been craving one too. Melanie, the owner of the Seed Box, is in your last photo is such a sweetie and Brian is equally as great. I'll take you down and introduce you next time. She also set up at Zapp Hall. I can imagine you had a great time at the Farm House, hope you will post pics.


it looks like they had a lot of fun quirky things in that booth...deep fried turkey sounds so good...i only had it one time, but it was delicious...very juicy and yummy...yes, i am dying to see what you bought Zita!!!


Happy Belated Thanksgiving Zita!!

Loads of wonderful treasures in that booth, I think the best part about antiquing is the thrill of the hunt, finding something new to bring home that has character and history, I see a lot of that in these booths you have posted about! xo

Shelley Price

Melanie and Brian's booths were awesome and I scored some great stuff from the Cole's booth! Oohh you are making me so hungry for Fall and all the yummy food we love to eat at that time...




I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! This booth is so great, thanks for sharing it Zita!!

:) T

lorraine lewis

I love the stems of cotton in the glass urn so pretty- thanks for sharing your photographs. I would love to go to the Texas Flea markets

The Flying Bee

Hi Zita!

Thanks for sharing all the pics! I feel bad that I didn't take more. I was too busy shopping! It sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving. We will be having fried turkey, too. Yum! Can't wait!


marcela & clara

It's a dark, wet day here in Sunny Cali...thank you for the chance to do some "window shopping" with you!


Hi there! I just found your blog (mine's a bit boring right now!) and saw my all-time favorite shop The Seedbox featured. The owners are Meloney and Brian Russell (that's Meloney in the gray in your last photo) and they live about 30 minutes from my house in Missouri. They used to have the most awesome shop nearby, but now they just travel and do shows. I have so many of their pieces in my house, and I really miss being able to drop by and shop their stuff anytime I want to. So thanks for the peek into their booth! They are the nicest people with the best junk...

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