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October 06, 2009


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How cute are you to do such a precious post! Thank you so much! It was truly a highlight to get to meet you and not only did you come to see me, you came twice! You are as adorable as I knew you would be! One doll head left, my fav, with the pigtails! The pink cabinet must be meant for you (haha!) how 'bout I save it for you and then I'll know for sure you're coming in the Spring!!! I feel blessed to know you not just as my blogger friend, but now as my personal friend! kisses!--j

Theresa=Garden Antqs Vintage

Isn't Christie a doll and Janet's booth was just awesome. You captured the best pics of the show.

Debbie York

You wore the heat well, my intrepid shopper! You never looked flustered only a bit flushed...but that could have been from all the excitement! Janet is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world and I'm so glad you got to meet her! I think I need the card that reads "complete bed rest".
Thanks for bringing Isabelle along to talk french to me!
I love my books.


wonderful photos:)



Adrienne is the cutest!!!! I love that birdcage and all that ironstone.


somehow, I can tell you were in heaven!


Zita, i think the hardest thing about warrenton would be choosing what to take home...from what i can see on your posts so far, every booth is filled with beauty and temptations...

marcela & clara

Hi Zita! when is the next show exactly? We would live to go, seriously!!!We need you to write a post with all the things you brought home together...it sounds like you had a great time....and shy or not you managed to meet a loot of people! Good for you!!!

The Flying Bee

Zita...you sweet thing! You caught me early in the day, by the end of it I was quite a sight! Anyway, I just have to say, you and I are going to be shopping buddies next trip...it's like you have some kind of special junkin' powers....how did you seem to find THE best stuff in Warrenton? I looked high and low for flower frogs and that is flower frog heaven!!! Ugh! If nothing else, at the next show, I am going to give you my cell and my list of must haves and then you can text me every time you come across them!

Thanks for the shout out...it seems to be my day out in blogland today. :)



What a great booth...I love Rubbish, I would have been there all day going through her goodies...I love flashcards and all her ironstone...perfect combination! Thanks for the tour Zita~

Fifi Flowers

FAB items... cool booth... love the birdcages!


the birdcage is the first thing that caught my eye!

Vicki Archer

I would be in heaven at this flea market..Have a happy weekend, xv.

Andrea - Faded Plains

Man...I would be sooo broke after visiting this show...but at least my home would look great!

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